FUSE/Mounted Library Specification

The dantalian library API requires a mount() method, which uses FUSE to mount a virtual file system representation of the library.

The mounted library provides a standard file-system-like interface to libraries. While the dantalian implementation of the library already provides such an interface, other implementations may not by default. Also, mounted libraries provide additional features even for dantalian’s existing file-system-like interface.

Virtual Spaces

In describing mounted library behavior, it is useful to divide the file system space into a number of categories.

Directories corresponding to nodes are considered to be in virtual space. (Nodes are virtual space.)

Directories and files corresponding to real directories and files on the file system are considered to be in real space.

There is also a subcategory for directories and files in real space: real space files and directories pulled in by TagNodes are additionally considered to be in tag space. Note that this is not recursive. Given the following:


TagNode is in virtual space as it is a node. Everything under it is in real space, but only dir1, dir2, and file2 are in tag space. file1 is not in tag space.

FUSE Operations

FUSE provides syscall-like operation hooks to emulate a file system. Their implementations for mounted libraries are found as methods in the dantalian.operations.TagOperations class.


The behavior of the following operations on tag space is subject to change, due to planned additions to tag nodes.

chmod(path, mode)

If path is in real or tag space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

chown(path, uid, gid)

If path is in real or tag space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

create(path, mode)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is also in tag space, tag the file accordingly. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

getattr(path, fh=None)

If path is in real or tag space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, get file attributes from the node.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.

link(source, target)


Note that this is different from standard. Usually link(a, b) creates a link at b to a, but this link(source, target) creates a link at source to target. This is a quirk in the FUSE library used in dantalian.

If source is in real space, link it (forward request to OS). If source is also in tag space, tag the newly created link accordingly. If source is in virtual space, raise EINVAL.

mkdir(path, mode)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is also in tag space, additionally convert the new directory and tag it accordingly. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

open(path, flags)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

read(path, size, offset, fh)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

readdir(path, fh)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, get information from the node.


If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.


Not implemented.

rename(old, new)

This one is tricky; here’s a handy chart.

From To -> Virtual Tag Real
Tag EINVAL untag, tag move, untag
Real EINVAL tag, remove move

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.


Not implemented.


Forward the request to the OS (via built-in os module).

symlink(source, target)


This has the same quirk as link().

If source is in real space, link it (forward request to OS). If source is also in tag space, tag the newly created symlink. If source is in virtual space, raise EINVAL.

truncate(path, length, fh=None)

If path is in real or tag space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.


If source is in real space, but not tag space, forward to OS. If source is in tag space, untag the file instead. If source is in virtual space, raise EINVAL.

utimens(path, times=None)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.

write(path, data, offset, fh)

If path is in real space, forward to OS. If path is in virtual space, the operation is invalid and raises EINVAL.


Nodes are used to construct and maintain the virtual library file system. Internally, nodes are implemented as mapping type data objects.

Currently, there are three node types and one virtual node class.

dantalian.tree.BaseNode is the fundamental node class, representing a virtual directory in a mounted library. Its implementation is dantalian.tree.Node.

dantalian.tree.BorderNode is a virtual class/interface for nodes that pull the host file system into the virtual space (i.e., tagged files)

It has two subclasses, dantalian.tree.BaseRootNode and dantalian.tree.BaseTagNode, and their implementations dantalian.tree.RootNode and dantalian.tree.TagNode, respectively.

RootNodes pull all of the tags in the library under themselves as virtual directories. They will usually be the root node for the node trees that describe the mounted library structure, but this is not necessary.

TagNodes pull the intersection set of files of a given set of tags under themselves.

Node File Attributes

Nodes implement a basic set of default file attributes.

atime, ctime, mtime
Defaults to time of node creation
uid, gid
Defaults to process’s uid and gid
Set directory bit, and permission bits 0o777 minus umask bits.
Constant 4096

Currently these are dummy values and do not change, save for nlinks.

Socket Commands

Socket commands allow interaction with the mounted FUSE process, thereby dynamically modifying parts of the virtual FUSE-mounted library. Socket commands may be invoked by the relevant commands of the dantalian CLI script, or by echoing the commands directly into the FUSE library socket. The dantalian CLI script simply writes the commands to the socket as well.

Currently, there are the following commands:

mknode path tag1 [tag2 ...]
Make a TagNode at the given path with the given tags. Make intermediary Nodes if needed.
rmnode path
Remove the Node at the given path.